MrMDXLogs Lounge
Main page of MrMDXLogs Plugin.
Last updated
Main page of MrMDXLogs Plugin.
Last updated
Adding this plugin to your server's plugins will be a huge addition to your server's security, Monitoring your server from any suspicious commands or just curious about what your players are typing, With MDXLogs you can live monitoring your players commands and live monitoring a specific player commands and even monitoring a specific command, And the best feature of all is "VIEW" this feature makes you see any commands that specific player had type with the date and even the world he's in written, just hover and you'll see everything, and you're probably worrying that the size of logs files will be large, don't worry because the logs files resets each day and you can even decide how much time is needed before resetting, this is just the beginning features and i'll make sure to add more features until you get the need to punch me in the face